Most of us want global peace, world peace. Peace was born on Christmas.
Micah 5:4-5a (NIV)
4 And He will arise and shepherd His flock . . .
. . . And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.
5a And He will be our peace.
Childhood. Some have precious memories of their childhood. Others hold scars. All of us can recall wounded moments as little children, as generations enter this world birthed from brokenness to brokenness until . . .
Peace was born.
Micah’s prophecy testifies to God’s plan set before the ages. God’s promise of a coming Messiah would change the world’s course. God’s divine answer to our broken childhood came wrapped in a tender bundle, the event now known as Christmas, introducing Peace on Earth.
Peace is neither a philosophy nor a political system. Peace is a Person. Peace had flesh and a face. God answered the cruelty of evil in the birth of Peace, baby Jesus. Peace was born to assuage the anguish of our hearts and heal all of creation. In this scarred world, we hold the promise that the Peace Child stands to shepherd his people. This Shepherd tends, protects, and leads his flock. In difficulty, in distress, the followers of the Shepherd will experience security and peace, as the rest of verse 5 indicates.
But until that day, when Peace on Earth culminates, what then? Christ’s birth inaugurated a legacy of peace. Each new generation of those born into Christ become bearers of peace. Birthed into brokenness, we are reborn to be peace-bearers. We reflect this Peace in flesh to the world. As we exchange gifts at Christmas, let us consider how we are passing peace to each other. As the light of Peace shines in our hearts, are we sharing his nature with others, as tenderly and vulnerably as a baby?
For this Christmas and the coming year, bear Peace to the world. “For then, his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.”